When you think about it, our homes can present a minefield of possible hazards for cats. Here’s some help navigating the dangers, and making your home safer, happier and healthier for your cat. Checkout our full list below.
Top Toxins in Your Kitchen for Cats

1. Garlic – in all forms
2. Onions & Onion Powder, Chives – in all forms
3. Cheese & Milk – cats are lactose intolerant, they aren’t able to digest dairy products due to their digestive system
4. Alcohol – this may seem obvious, just even a tiny amount is toxic and can cause coma and death
5. Raisins and Grapes – these can cause kidney failure in cats
6. Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Cola, Caffeine — these can be fatal in cats depending on the amount, and this is true for any caffeinated beverage
7. Chocolate – any kind of chocolate can be lethal due to methylxanthines, but dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate are the most toxic
8. Candy, Gum and Foods Sweetened with Xylitol – Xylitol sweetens “diet” foods and can lead to liver failure and death
9. Fatty Foods & Bones – avoid giving cats meat or chicken scraps from your dinner plate or meat served to humans, the danger is in the bones that they could ingest but also in the cooked and uncooked fat that is harmful
10. Raw Fish & Meat – can lead to food poisoning due to bacteria; and certain fish enzymes destroy thiamine in cats which can cause neurological damage, convulsions and coma
11. Raw Yeast Dough – this is toxic due to yeast fermenting leading to alcohol poisoning and yeast expanding, which if ingested causes severe gastrointestinal pain and problems
12. Moldy & Spoiled Foods
13. Avocados – all parts of the avocado are toxic to cats due to Persin, sometimes it can even be fatal
14. Kitchen Cupboards – be sure to keep your cupboard doors closed as many products can be harmful for your cat; store your food in cabinets above the kitchen counter not in the cabinets above the floor where your cats may be able to open the doors and go inside