Learning how to treat my cat’s chronic diarrhea and inflammatory bowel disease has been a long challenge and effort.
Simba was a feral cat that lived in our back yard for a couple years until he was wounded by a severe cat bite that became infected and caused an abscess. We had trapped Simba the year before and neutered him and released him, feeding him daily and building an outside shelter for him. But with this wound, he needed medical care and surgery. So we trapped him again and brought him to our wonderful vet, Four Corners Animal Hospital in Concord, who promptly gave him the surgery he needed. After two weeks of wearing his e-collar—which he fought daily—we decided to keep Simba indoors and care for him for the rest of his life in the safety of our home, and not release him back outside where he could get hurt again.

But we came to learn quickly that Simba had even more health issues. He was vomiting and had chronic diarrhea as well as pronounced periods of not feeling well where he would not eat for days. So we returned to our vet who did a full blood panel, took X-rays, and took a urine sample and cultured it. He was diagnosed with Feline Hepatitis, Pancreatitis and Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). So for the next few years, off and on, Simba had treatments of the corticosteroid drug Prednisolone to reduce inflammation, antibiotics to treat his viruses, Metronidazole to treat IBD and giardia, Denosyl daily, which is a liver supplement for cats that helps regenerate liver cells, and probiotics daily in his wet food. All of which when given, improved his health significantly.
But Simba’s diarrhea still remained a problem. Yes, I could continue giving these drugs long-term, but Simba was now in middle age, and I didn’t feel comfortable putting him on a chemical regimen for that long. I wanted to try holistic medicine and see if the diagnosis he received was similar to our traditional vet and how he might respond to holistic treatment.
So I made an appointment at Alternatives for Animals in Lafayette, CA to see Dr. Rettig. She came highly recommended, and I lived close by. She immediately fell in love with our big old sweet boy (who was no longer feral, but a lap cat!), and proceeded to give him a complete holistic intake exam, followed by a 20-minute acupuncture treatment, and a Bicom Therapy treatment. I took home some Chinese herbs to give Simba daily as well, including Spanish Black Radish and Feline Enteric Support, compounded of course for cats. Her diagnosis was that Simba had many viruses, which the Bicom treats. Simba improved some, but his diarrhea and gas was still plaguing him.

So a month later, I returned to Dr. Rettig again for another Bicom treatment. The Bicom 2000 machine gives bioresonance therapy to diagnose and treat disorders in cats that are caused by bacteria, viruses, heavy metal poisoning, chemical toxicity, parasites, as well as many chronic illnesses. Most of these are difficult if not impossible to detect in blood tests, stool samples and urine cultures, because they are typically found in the tissue and not in the blood. The Bicom 2000 machine detects “electromagnetic frequency patterns” which then can be identified and treated by removing them from the body through energy signals.

Dr. Rettig uses the Bicom 2000 machine also to treat her many cat and dog patients that have cancer and severe allergies. It’s a completely non-invasive and painless treatment, and takes up to an hour depending on the extensiveness of the treatment. This therapy has been researched in Germany for over 30 years and is used in over 65 countries around the world on both humans and animals, very successfully.
So Simba will go in for his third treatment in two weeks, they are scheduled three weeks apart for optimal effectiveness. For the first time, I’m not seeing diarrhea or lose stool. His stool color is better, and he seems very happy and comfortable. And no more gas! This is huge, as poor Simba has been plagued with severe bouts of flatulence as well. It has taken six years to get him to this recovery point. Being open to holistic care has opened a whole new treatment regimen and alternative that I can use in addition to traditional veterinary care. In Simba’s case, it just might be the best solution for him.

How much did the 1) diagnosis, and 2) treatment cost using this technology?
There’s a flat cost at Alternatives for Animals in Lafayette for Dr. Rettig, and I think it’s about $150, that includes the exam each time. Then the Bicom is about $20 per session roughly on top. Same with accupuncture, I think it’s about an additional $50-75 on top of the exam.
Thanks for sharing the content and learning about the holistic medicine that greatly helped him getting better. I have a cat having bad IBD status right now and I am considering trying her on holistic treatment. But I really wonders if the treatment has helped in the long term? IBD symptoms wax and wane so I just wonder if ultimately it worked very well. Thanks and I appreciate your input.
Hi Elle, thanks for your comment. IBD can be really tricky depending on the cause, severity, and treatments used. The holistic vet that I used gave Simba weekly acupuncture treatments as well as the bicom treatments, and both gave Simba relief from his symptoms. His IBD got better, then worse, it undulated. My traditional vet recommended Metronadizole and Tylan powder, which helped too. I had to do this periodically. Always I used Probiotics daily for him. I also put him on food better for IBD cats. Unfortunately, Simba lost the battle in July. I hope you find a good treatment regimen and your kitty improves. Good luck!