Adopting a kitten or adult cat is a long-term responsibility and commitment. It’s a decision you want to give careful thought to and be prepared for, not one to take lightly or impulsively. Owning a cat is a large financial and emotional responsibility lasting anywhere from 14 to 22 years, typically. Your cat will depend on you for its health, happiness, safety and well-being, so here are 10 important considerations in preparing to adopt a cat.
Renting Your Home? Check with Your Landlord First
If you live in an apartment or rental property be sure to confirm with your landlord beforehand that cats are allowed and know whether a pet deposit is required. Avoid adopting a cat and bringing it home, only to find out the landlord does not accept pets.
Lifetime of Costs
Adopting a new cat is exciting, but the reality is there is a lifetime of expenses associated with caring for a cat. Be aware of and ready to commit to spending money for regular weekly expenses like buying quality cat food and litter, but also for annual routine veterinary care and unexpected veterinary emergencies. Annual checkups are highly recommended to keep your cat healthy and address any medical problems as they arise. During an annual checkup, your veterinarian can determine if your cat has oral disease or needs dental surgery or cleaning, which is important for good oral and overall health. But if your cat gets sick, he will need to see a veterinarian for medical care. As cats age and get older health problems can arise, so it’s important to be prepared for when that time comes. Like people, cats get sick and sometimes develop chronic illnesses as they age, which is why annual checkups are so important and can address medical problems before they get worse.
Cat-Proofing Your Home
There are many potential risks and hazards in the home for cats. To cat-proof your home, be sure to put away and store all medicines, household cleaners, and personal care products in cupboards and cabinets safely out of reach. Cover any outlets and electrical cords that cats can bite and chew. Remove live plants, as many are toxic to cats and can make them sick. Make sure to keep small objects that cats can swallow or ingest off the floor, tables and countertops. Keep string, thread, yarn, and ribbon off the floor and out of reach. Table scraps can make cats sick, so be sure to remove plates with leftover food and remove any leftover food from counters that cats can find and nibble on.
Keeping Cats Inside
Unlike dogs, cats don’t need to go outside. Cats are safest, healthiest and live the longest staying indoors. There are many risks to letting your cat outside—exposure to diseases and viruses, poisons and toxins, cars, getting lost and not returning home, and bites from wildlife or other cats. You can make your cat happiest living inside by investing in a tall scratching post, cat tree, balls, catnip toys, and giving them ample play time.
Microchipping your cat is a good safety measure in case of disaster, emergency, or if your cat accidentally escapes outside. If your cat is microchipped, you have a much better chance of having them returned to you.
Daily Feeding
Discuss in advance who will be responsible for daily feedings. Cats do best when fed twice a day, morning and night, so you’ll want to maintain this schedule daily at approximately the same time every day. Cats are happiest and do best when there is routine, consistency and predictability with feeding schedules. Your cat’s health will benefit when they are fed quality, nutritious cat food. The best cat foods have no meat by-products, meal, grains, or dyes, so always check the ingredients on the label.
Daily Litterbox Cleaning
Litterboxes should be cleaned daily as cats are very finicky about being clean and don’t like stepping into a dirty litterbox. With kittens up to 4 months old, you want to use a non-clumping litter like Johnny Cat; after 4-months you can use any clumping litter. Cats don’t like fragrance so it’s recommended to use litters that don’t contain fragrance or any smell. If you switch to a new type of litter, do it slowly over several days so they can adjust—again cats like consistency. Clay litters are not recommended because they can cause intestinal blockages and urinary issues when cat’s lick their paws and ingest clay dirt.
Have an area identified for your litterbox that is easily accessible for them and is located in a private, quiet area. If you live in a multilevel home, you will want one litterbox on each floor. Easy access is the key.
Daily Fresh Water
Cats need plenty of clean, fresh water available in an easily accessible place. If you live in a larger home or have multiple floors, consider multiple water bowls. Using stainless steel and glass are preferable to plastic bowls, as plastic can leach chemicals into the water that can cause chronic illness later. Keep bowls scrubbed and clean using soap and water at least every couple of days to avoid the build up of germs. Here’s more information about safe cat bowls.
Veterinary Care
Like people, cats can get sick too. Recognizing when your cat isn’t feeling well or is behaving differently and taking them to the vet is critical. You are their guardian and need to be willing to get veterinary care as often as needed. It’s important to be aware of the financial responsibility you’re making when you adopt a cat, and be committed to them for the cat’s natural lifetime. Be prepared for your cat’s annual checkup with a veterinarian for a routine exam, dental well checks and cleanings, and basic blood and urine tests when needed. Like with people, cats get cavities and need their teeth cleaned under anesthesia, so getting good dental care is important and can prevent chronic health problems that are more difficult to treat. Your cat’s happiness and well-being is dependent upon keeping them healthy over the course of their natural lifetime.
When end-of-life does come for your senior or elderly cat, work with your vet on providing good care with the goal of keeping your cat comfortable, pain-free and as healthy as possible to the very end. Remember the commitment you first made to your cat is caring for them all the way to the end of their natural life.
Cat Health & Grooming
Make sure your cat is spayed or neutered. Spaying and neutering will contribute to your cat’s good long-term health, happiness and longevity.
Never declaw a cat! Declawing is considered amputation of a joint, is extremely painful, causes great suffering and distress, and can alter your cat’s behavior and personality forever making them fearful, timid, lack confidence and feel more vulnerable.
Cats are big groomers and healthy cats will groom themselves daily. Cats do not like to be bathed, and should not be bathed unless instructed to do so by a veterinarian to treat a specific skin disorder.
A Loving, Stress-Free Environment
Cats are smart creatures. They are also social animals, but it’s important to understand your own cat and when they want to socialize and when they don’t, and respect any personal limits they may have.
Learn to know your cat and keep any stress factors away from them. Stress affects the quality of a cat’s mental and physical health and many medical problems are often caused by underlying stress, so keep your home environment as stress-free as possible for your cat. For some cats stress can be caused by other cats they don’t get along with, a newborn baby, loud voices, or even new furniture may do it. If you find your cat is trying to communicate with you about these stress factors through their behavior, reach out to your veterinarian or local cat rescue group for answers—they are knowledgeable and can provide good suggestions. Make sure your home provides good environmental enrichment for your cat, and your cat has outlets to express his natural behaviors.
Lastly, don’t forget to make time every day to give your cat the love and attention they look to you for!